Program SummaryTo learn more about the programs we offer, check out our program summaries!
Expression of InterestIf you are interested in applying for one of our IMWD programs, please fill
PWCP Producer Information formThis form MUST be filled out before completing the applicable BMP applications.
Cover CropsUp to $35/acre for seed and cost to seed cover crops underseeded with the main crop (intercropping), or full-season annual and/or perennial cover crops in rotation up to a maximum of $75,000.
Rotational GrazingFencing and watering systems to support Rotational Grazing: 85% of cost up to $18,000/per quarter.
Improving Pasture Compositions by seeding Legumes (Alfalfa): Up to $35/acre to a maximum of $75,000 Agronomic Support for Completion of Rotational Grazing Plan: 50% up to $400. |
Nitrogen ManagementEach application form for the eligible activities can be found below.
Abandoned Wells Abandoned wells can be a conduit for groundwater contamination, and can be a safety risk. Within the IMWD area, we will remove the old cribbing and properly fill and seal these wells at 100% IMWD cost with the exception of flowing artesian wells which have a maximum reimbursement of $600/well on proof of payment. We take applications for remediation of abandoned wells year round, and usually seal them during the fall season.
Community TreesIMWD recognizes the environmental benefits that trees can provide, and that larger tree planting projects can be expensive. IMWD will provide young tree seedlings as per the cost schedule in the application for Community Trees; we are able to obtain cost savings by buying in bulk. Applications are due on February 28, 2025, with pick-up of the trees for planting at our Ethelbert / Ste.Rose offices in the spring. Tractor drawn equipment for tree planting and plastic mulch application are available for rental. IMWD also has larger trees available from our Tree Nursery for Town & Community plantings (please contact our office).
Cover CropsRebates are made through Prairie Watershed Climate Program (PWCP) when funds are available for the delivery of these programs. Applicants are taken on a first come first serve basis. Check back regularly to see when applications will be accepted and rebate rates become available. Field CrossingCrossing field waterways on unimproved crossings with machinery or by livestock can cause erosion and sedimentation. This program aims to improve water quality by stabilizing crossing areas. Crossings on road allowances are not eligible. Funding for field crossings will be cost-shared at the ratio of 40% Applicant and 60% IMWD.
Forage SeedTo assist landowners in protecting marginal or erosion-prone areas through the establishment of permanent grass/forage cover. Permanent cover stabilizes soils from wind and water erosion. Rebates of up to $25/acre for a maximum of 80 acres, ($2000 max) are available, with approved applicants being eligible for assistance every second year. Applications are accepted until April 15th each year. Approved applicants will purchase their own seed and provide receipts to IMWD in order to receive the rebate.
Livestock WateringThis program will assist landowners in providing a clean, reliable supply of water for livestock, while protecting surface water and/or groundwater by restricting or removing access by livestock to waterways. · Funding livestock watering will be cost-shared in the ratio of 40% applicant and 60% IMWD to a maximum of $1,500. Eligible costs include pump, water trough, power source (not including hydro), pipeline, hoses, and associated accessories.
Riparian FencingThe aim of this program is to protect and enhance waterways and riparian areas from erosion and nutrient loading by limiting full access to these areas by livestock. Waterways will be fenced off and managed as an exclusion zone or for limited grazing. Eligible costs are fencing materials and construction, to a maximum of $5,000, in the ratio of 40% Applicant and 60% IMWD upon proof of payment.
Service / Equipment RentalIMWD has some specialized equipment not readily available in the area for use on conservation projects. This program enables landowners to rent available equipment; Tree planting machine, plastic mulch applicator, pipeline plow, and various livestock watering systems. Rental rates are in the cost schedule in the application for Service/Equipment Rental and require a $200 deposit refunded upon return of the equipment in good repair.
Special ProjectsThis program allows the district to consider projects with unique ideas and conservation solutions that do not fit into our current list of programs.
Streambank StabilizationThis program provides assistance to stabilize eroding streambanks in the IMWD area. By armoring these areas with rock (rip-rap) or other suitable material, land and infrastructure is protected from further erosion also limiting/reducing nutrient and sediment loading concerns downstream. The establishment of a 1Om buffered riparian area will be required to further stabilize the area. Funding for streambank stabilization is 15% Applicant and 85% IMWD in Priority 1 (threatening yard/ infrastructure) and 40% Applicant 60% IMWD in Priority 2 sites. Applicant contribution may be accepted in kind on a case to case basis as well extenuating circumstances may qualify to be 100% externally funded. Only IMWD approved contractors can do instream works.
Waterway ManagementThe goal of this program is to prevent erosion and flooding as a result of overland flows arising from channel obstructions. Eligible costs include the re-establishment of the natural capacity of existing natural waterways through the removal of obstructions such as silt, vegetation and / or other obstructions (not including beaver dams), where it has been determined that these obstructions restrict the flow of water through its' natural course. Funding for waterway management will be in the ratio of 25% Applicant and 75% IMWD.